What is OARS? (4 Stunning Techniques To Master Motivational Interviewing)

what is oars


Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a powerful communication style and counseling technique that helps individuals explore and resolve their ambivalence towards change. It is widely used in various fields, including healthcare, psychology, addiction treatment, and coaching, to facilitate positive behavioral changes. One of the key components of MI is the OARS acronym, which stands for Open Questions, Affirmations, Reflective Listening, and Summaries. In this blog post, we will delve into each element of the OARS acronym and understand how they contribute to the effectiveness of motivational interviewing.

What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, client-centered counseling approach designed to help individuals explore and resolve ambivalence about behavior change. Developed by psychologists William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick in the early 1980s, MI has gained widespread recognition and application in various fields, including healthcare, psychology, social work, addiction treatment, and coaching.

The core philosophy of motivational interviewing is rooted in the belief that individuals possess the intrinsic motivation and capacity for change. It recognizes that ambivalence about change is a normal part of the human experience and that people often have mixed feelings about altering certain behaviors. MI aims to address this ambivalence by helping individuals elicit and strengthen their own motivations for change.


O = Open Questions

Open Questions stand as the bedrock upon which meaningful conversations are constructed. Unlike closed-ended queries that can be answered with a mere nod or shake of the head, open questions possess a unique potency – they invite individuals into a realm of self-exploration and introspection. These questions gently pry open the door to inner thoughts, emotions, and experiences, beckoning forth a cascade of insights that might otherwise remain concealed.

Picture a motivational interviewer as an adept guide, skillfully wielding these open questions like keys that unlock the chambers of a person’s mind and heart. These inquiries are purposefully designed to circumvent the shallow waters of simple affirmation or negation, diving deeper into the depths of the individual’s psyche. By artfully crafting and deploying open questions, the motivational interviewer cultivates an environment where vulnerability and authenticity flourish.

At the heart of this technique lies an unwavering commitment to fostering an atmosphere of safety and acceptance. Open questions are the foundation upon which this sanctuary is built. They echo with the promise that judgments will be suspended, opinions will be withheld, and the individual’s narrative will be honored above all else. In response to these inquiries, there is no right or wrong, no anticipated answer – only an invitation to share one’s truth.

As an individual steps into the spotlight of these open-ended queries, a profound transformation occurs. Walls of reticence crumble, replaced by bridges of trust. The contours of thoughts and emotions, once blurred, come into sharper focus. A narrative takes shape, revealing the complexities of inner conflicts, aspirations, and desires. It’s within this fluid exchange that true understanding is birthed – the understanding that change, though often met with trepidation, is a realm of possibility awaiting exploration.

And so, the motivational interviewer becomes a weaver of stories, a curator of narratives that unfurl with each open question posed. The client’s experiences are validated, their voice amplified, and their agency restored. The act of posing open questions serves as a reminder that this conversation is not a lecture, nor a monologue, but a dialogue in which both parties contribute to the symphony of discovery.

In essence, open questions are the seeds of introspection, the keys to empathy, and the catalysts for change. They hold the potential to spark a metamorphosis in perspective, nudging individuals to traverse the uncharted territories of their aspirations and apprehensions. As these questions linger in the air, pregnant with possibility, they lay the groundwork for a journey – a journey towards self-awareness, empowerment, and the transformation that motivational interviewing aims to facilitate.


  • “Tell me about your reasons for wanting to make a change in your life?”
  • “How do you feel about your current situation?”
  • “What do you think would be the benefits of achieving your goals?”

A = Affirmations

Affirmations emerge as the luminous threads that weave a tapestry of positivity and possibility. These threads, delicately interwoven into the fabric of conversation, hold the transformative power to kindle the sparks of self-belief, illuminate the path of self-discovery, and embolden individuals to embark on the voyage of change.

Imagine the motivational interviewer as an artisan of encouragement, adeptly crafting affirmations as tools of empowerment. Like a sculptor chiseling away at doubt, these affirmations are sculpted to mirror the unique contours of a person’s journey. With each artfully chosen word, the interviewer mirrors back the brilliance of the individual’s strengths, efforts, and accomplishments – a reflection that refracts the light of self-confidence.

In the presence of affirmations, the often-muted whispers of self-doubt are drowned out by a resounding chorus of self-assurance. As the interviewer acknowledges past triumphs and commendable actions, an invisible bridge is constructed between where the individual stands and the peak of their aspirations. This bridge, built on the solid foundation of their achievements, serves as a testament to their capability to conquer challenges ahead.

The alchemy of affirmations lies in their ability to transmute mere words into catalysts for transformation. Through the artful arrangement of phrases, the interviewer charts a course through the labyrinth of insecurities, leading the individual to the heart of their potential. These affirmations act as mirrors reflecting a truer image of themselves – a reflection that’s brimming with resilience, resourcefulness, and unexplored reservoirs of strength.

Within the arena of motivational interviewing, affirmations serve as the nurturing soil in which the seeds of self-esteem take root and flourish. These seeds, once germinated, sprout into a forest of self-belief, shielding individuals from the storms of self-doubt and self-criticism. Bolstered by the unwavering support of affirmations, individuals become architects of their own narratives, crafting stories that celebrate their victories and fuel their aspirations.

In the dance between challenges and triumphs, affirmations stand as stalwart companions, unwaveringly championing the cause of growth and change. They remind individuals that the journey towards transformation is not marked solely by stumbling blocks but by stepping stones of progress. Armed with affirmations that celebrate their uniqueness and potential, individuals are better equipped to navigate the complexities of change and emerge on the other side, transformed, resilient, and ready to embrace the future.

Affirmations are the gentle whispers of encouragement, the echoes of possibility, and the elixirs of self-belief that fortify the spirit within motivational interviewing. Their role is not just to uplift the individual in a moment but to sow the seeds of lasting transformation, cultivating a garden of self-confidence from which courage, resilience, and the pursuit of positive change can blossom and thrive.


  • “I can see how hard you’ve been working towards your goals. That’s truly commendable!”
  • “You’ve already taken some positive steps in the right direction, and I believe in your ability to keep moving forward.”


“An employee’s motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager.”

-Bob Nelson

R = Reflective Listening

Reflective Listening emerges as the soulful melody that harmonizes connection, empathy, and insight. It is a profound art, a dance of resonance and understanding, orchestrated by the motivational interviewer to create a space where an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and aspirations can unfold like petals reaching for the sun.

Imagine the motivational interviewer as a skilled conductor, attuned to the subtleties of each note in the client’s narrative. With unwavering attention, they listen not only to the words that are spoken but also to the pauses, the inflections, and the emotions that reverberate beneath the surface. This active listening, akin to a gentle current guiding a ship through uncharted waters, allows the interviewer to navigate the nuances of the individual’s experience.

In the alchemical process of Reflective Listening, the interviewer distills the essence of the client’s narrative into a heartfelt reflection, like an artisan distilling precious fragrance from delicate petals. With words as the vessel, they encapsulate the client’s journey, mirroring it back with eloquence and sensitivity. As the reflection unfurls, it becomes a mirror that invites the individual to peer into their own inner landscape, to witness their thoughts and emotions from a new perspective.

The true magic of Reflective Listening lies in its ability to cultivate empathy – a bridge that connects hearts and minds, dissolving the barriers of isolation. As the interviewer echoes the client’s thoughts and feelings, a profound recognition unfolds, a recognition that someone is not just hearing their words but truly understanding the intricate tapestry of their experiences. This recognition, often longed for, becomes the cornerstone upon which trust and rapport are built.

Moreover, Reflective Listening serves as a lantern illuminating the caverns of the client’s mind. Through the process of hearing their thoughts mirrored back, individuals find themselves on a path of self-discovery. The reflection becomes a gentle guide, leading them through the labyrinth of their own emotions, facilitating an encounter with the core of their being – a confrontation that fosters clarity, insight, and the seeds of transformation.

Within the sanctuary of Reflective Listening, individuals unravel the threads of their stories, finding solace in the act of sharing and discovering their thoughts anew. It’s a sacred space where vulnerability is celebrated, where the unspoken finds voice, and where the journey of change is embarked upon with a compass of understanding.

In essence, Reflective Listening is the embrace of empathy, the translation of silence into understanding, and the orchestration of a connection that transcends words. It is the thread that sews the tapestry of motivational interviewing, weaving together the stories, the aspirations, and the transformative potential of every individual’s narrative. With each reflective echo, a deeper resonance is struck – a resonance that resonates not only within the conversation but echoes through the individual’s journey of growth, empowerment, and the pursuit of positive change.


Client: “I’m finding it difficult to stay committed to my exercise routine.” 

Motivational Interviewer: “It sounds like you’re facing some challenges in sticking to your exercise plan.”

By using reflective listening, the motivational interviewer ensures that they understand the client’s perspective accurately, which builds trust and encourages further exploration of their thoughts and feelings.

S = Summaries

Within the realm of motivational interviewing, where conversations are delicate and transformative, summaries emerge as a beacon of clarity, a thread that weaves together the tapestry of exploration and change. Like a skilled cartographer mapping out uncharted terrain, practitioners deftly employ summaries to chart the course of a client’s narrative, illuminating the contours of their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations.

Imagine the practitioner as an architect of understanding, gathering the scattered fragments of conversation and arranging them into a coherent mosaic. With each summary, the practitioner embarks on a voyage of synthesis, piecing together the intricate puzzle of the client’s journey. These recaps are more than just a chronological account; they are an artful arrangement, capturing the essence of the client’s experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

Summaries serve as a compass, guiding both practitioner and client through the labyrinth of dialogue. In this collaborative process, they act as a reflective mirror, offering a fresh perspective on the unfolding narrative. As the words of the client are mirrored back, a sense of validation unfurls, affirming that their voice is not only heard but truly understood. This validation becomes the cornerstone upon which trust is built – a trust that becomes the fertile ground for exploration and transformation.

Moreover, summaries are not mere conclusions; they are gateways to deeper insights. In the act of revisiting and summarizing the conversation, both practitioner and client embark on a shared exploration, unveiling patterns, connections, and underlying themes. As layers are peeled back, a spotlight is cast on key areas for potential change, illuminating the path to growth and transformation.

Summaries also play a vital role in gauging the client’s understanding and engagement. They act as checkpoints, inviting the client to reflect upon the journey so far and ensuring that their perspectives and goals have been accurately captured. This collaborative process enhances the therapeutic alliance, fostering a sense of ownership and partnership in the exploration of change.

Just as a skilled conductor weaves together the melodies of an orchestra, practitioners orchestrate summaries to harmonize the symphony of the client’s narrative. Through these succinct encapsulations, the conversation gains momentum, propelling the client towards self-awareness, action, and empowerment. The practitioner’s adept use of summaries transforms the therapeutic space into an arena of shared discovery, where insights flourish and possibilities unfold.

Summaries are not simply the closing notes of a conversation; they are the crescendo that magnifies the impact of each interaction. They are the guideposts that illuminate the path of exploration and change, casting a spotlight on the client’s unique journey. As practitioners master the art of crafting insightful summaries, they become not only architects of understanding but also catalysts for transformation – a transformation that ripples outward, touching not only the individual but the world they inhabit.


Client: “I’m finding it difficult to stay committed to my exercise routine.” 

Motivational Interviewer: “It sounds like you’re facing some challenges in sticking to your exercise plan.”

By using reflective listening, the motivational interviewer ensures that they understand the client’s perspective accurately, which builds trust and encourages further exploration of their thoughts and feelings.

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In the context of motivational interviewing, “OARS” is an acronym that represents a set of fundamental communication skills used by practitioners to engage clients in productive and empathetic conversations. Each letter in the acronym corresponds to a specific skill that is essential for fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, which in turn facilitates positive behavior change. The OARS acronym stands for:

  1. Open Questions: These are questions that encourage clients to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly. Open questions typically start with words like “what,” “how,” or “tell me about,” and they elicit more than a simple “yes” or “no” response. By using open questions, practitioners create a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their motivations and concerns.

  2. Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that acknowledge a client’s strengths, efforts, and past successes. They help boost the client’s self-confidence and self-esteem, while also reinforcing positive behaviors and attributes. Affirmations are a way of celebrating the client’s accomplishments and encouraging them to build upon their strengths.

  3. Reflective Listening: Reflective listening involves actively listening to what the client is saying and then paraphrasing or summarizing their thoughts and feelings back to them. This demonstrates empathy and understanding, allowing the client to gain clarity about their own thoughts and emotions. Reflective listening helps the client feel heard and validated, enhancing the therapeutic relationship.

  4. Summaries: Summaries are concise recaps of what the client has shared during the conversation. Practitioners use summaries to tie together different pieces of the conversation, highlighting important points and themes. Summaries serve as a way to check in with the client’s understanding and to collaboratively identify key areas for exploration and change.

As we conclude this exploration, remember that the OARS acronym is not merely a set of techniques but a testament to the art of compassionate communication. It is an embodiment of the belief that every individual possesses the capacity for change, and that through skillful guidance, this potential can be harnessed to create a ripple effect of positive transformation.

So, whether you find yourself in the role of a practitioner or simply as someone eager to enhance your connections, let the OARS acronym be your compass. Let it guide your conversations, infusing them with curiosity, empathy, and affirmation. And in doing so, you’ll embark on a journey of shared growth, empowerment, and meaningful change – a journey that paints the world with the hues of possibility and inspires others to embark on their own transformative quests.

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Matt Styles

Matt Styles is the founder and voice of The Stylish Leader enterprise. Empowering the next generation of leaders, Matt is focused on challenging minds, inspiring hearts, and helping others achieve their highest potential for success.

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