7 Genius Ways To Think Like A Leader

genius ways to think like a leader

What are the 7 Genius Ways to Think Like a Leader?

7 Genius ways to think like a leader: There are so many innovative ways to make your mark in your professional endeavors. There are some ways, however, that can fast-track you to new positions of influence with your team.  Leaders who are capable of thinking outside of the box and finding innovative solutions to seemingly impossible problems are those who do amazingly.

They are able to come up with genius ways of thinking that can open doors and create new possibilities. This kind of thinking is not only highly useful, but it can also be insightful and inspiring. With this kind of approach to problem-solving, leaders can push boundaries and find creative solutions for any challenge they may face. Let’s see how you can take your leadership skills from good to Genius!

Think Strategically.

Strategic thinking is a skill that can be developed and honed over time with practice and dedication. It involves taking a step back from the day-to-day operations of an organization to consider the big picture. It requires looking at the long-term implications of decisions, understanding the competitive landscape, and recognizing opportunities for growth. Strategic thinkers are able to simplify complex problems into actionable plans and execute on those plans in order to achieve their desired outcomes.

5 concise steps to develop your strategic thinking skills:

  1. Allocate Reflection Time: Set aside regular periods to intentionally step away from the operational details. Use this time to reflect on your organization’s goals, challenges, and long-term direction.

  2. Embrace Long-Term Vision: Whenever making decisions, consider how they align with your organization’s long-term goals. Envision the potential impact of each choice on the overall trajectory.

  3. Study the Environment: Stay informed about industry trends, competitive dynamics, and emerging technologies. Understand the external forces that could influence your organization’s success.

  4. Seek Patterns and Trends: Analyze data and patterns to identify opportunities for growth and anticipate potential disruptions. Connect dots between seemingly unrelated pieces of information.

  5. Convert Insights into Action: Translate your strategic insights into practical plans. Break down complex problems into manageable steps and set actionable goals that move your organization towards success.

2nd Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Carefully.

Leaders who think carefully and are interested in the world around them are more likely to be successful. This is because they take the time to consider all the possibilities before making decisions. They look at situations from different angles, ask questions, and think through potential outcomes before acting. As a leader, it is important to be thoughtful and curious about the world around you in order to make sound decisions that will benefit your team and organization.

5 concise steps to develop your careful thinking skills:

  1. Prioritize Inquisitiveness: Cultivate a natural curiosity to explore different aspects of the world. Seek out information, ask probing questions, and engage in discussions to broaden your perspective.

  2. Analyze Diverse Viewpoints: Deliberately consider multiple angles when faced with decisions. Invite input from diverse team members, valuing their unique insights to arrive at well-rounded conclusions.

  3. Foresee Potential Outcomes: Before taking action, envision the potential consequences of your decisions. Analyze the short-term and long-term effects on your team, organization, and stakeholders.

  4. Embrace Analytical Reflection: Dedicate time for introspection and analysis. Reflect on past experiences, both successes and failures, to glean insights that inform your future choices.

  5. Continuous Learning Journey: Commit to ongoing learning to stay attuned to changing trends, advancements, and global developments. Stay curious, exploring new knowledge to remain adaptable and informed.

3rd Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Abstractly.

Abstract thinking is an important skill to have in order to succeed in today’s complex world. It involves the ability to take a different viewpoint than others. This type of thinking can be likened to playing a game of chess, where you must consider all the pieces on the board and plan ahead for potential moves that your opponent might make. By looking at the overall picture, you can gain insight into how different elements interact with each other and how they influence each other’s behavior. You can also identify opportunities that may not be obvious to everyone else. Genius leaders are able to see beyond what is immediately visible and understand how different factors affect one another.

5 concise steps to develop your abstract thinking skills:

  1. Adopt Multidimensional Perspective: Train yourself to see situations from various angles. Imagine viewing a scenario as a complex puzzle with interconnected pieces that influence each other.

  2. Anticipate Future Scenarios: Similar to chess strategy, consider the potential moves and reactions of others. Envision how various decisions might unfold over time and their impact on the larger context.

  3. Analyze Interconnections: Identify relationships between different elements and how they influence each other’s dynamics. Recognize patterns and causal links that may not be immediately apparent.

  4. Prioritize Contextual Understanding: Instead of focusing solely on isolated details, zoom out to see the broader context. Understand how individual components fit into the larger ecosystem and contribute to the whole.

  5. Seek Unseen Opportunities: Train your mind to spot opportunities that others might overlook. By comprehending the intricate interactions, you can identify innovative paths that lead to unexpected outcomes.

genius ways to think like a leader

4th Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Intentionally.

Focused, intentional thought is the key to achieving success in any endeavor. When we focus on one thing at a time, our attention to detail increases and we are able to eliminate distractions that can prevent us from achieving our goals. By focusing on one thing, we are able to take action with intention and clarity. This allows us to create better results with less effort and in less time. Focused thought also helps us think more clearly and come up with creative solutions for problems. It makes it easier to prioritize tasks and make decisions that will lead to success.

5 concise steps to develop your intentional thinking skills:

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define your specific goals and outcomes. Having a clear target helps you direct your mental energy towards a singular purpose, reducing ambiguity and distractions.

  2. Eliminate Distractions: Create an environment conducive to focused thinking. Minimize interruptions, silence notifications, and allocate dedicated time blocks to concentrate solely on the task at hand.

  3. Prioritize Single-tasking: Embrace the power of doing one thing at a time. Avoid multitasking, as it disperses your focus and diminishes the quality of your work. Devote your attention fully to the task in front of you.

  4. Cultivate Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques to anchor your attention in the present moment. This enhances your ability to stay engaged with the task, fostering a heightened sense of clarity and presence.

  5. Practice Deep Work: Set aside blocks of uninterrupted time for deep, focused work. During these periods, immerse yourself in the task, allowing your mind to delve into complexities and explore creative solutions.

5th Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Fearlessly.

Taking calculated risks is an important component of success. Those who are willing to take risks often have bigger dreams and goals than most, and are willing to put in the work to make them a reality. It takes courage and determination to take risks, but it can be very rewarding if done carefully. Being fearless when taking risks requires having an open mind and being ready to accept failure as part of the process. With careful planning, you can minimize the potential for failure while still taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. By having a mind that is open to taking risks, you can become known as a leader who is fearless yet careful with their decisions.

5 concise steps to develop your  fearless thinking skills:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Begin by setting clear goals that align with your aspirations. Identify the potential outcomes you seek, ensuring your risk-taking is purposeful and well-directed.

  2. Conduct Thorough Research: Gather comprehensive information about the risk you’re considering. Understand the potential benefits and drawbacks, and evaluate how the risk fits within your overall strategy.

  3. Assess Risk vs. Reward: Weigh the potential rewards against the associated risks. Consider whether the potential benefits are worth the potential downsides and determine the level of risk you’re comfortable with.

  4. Create a Contingency Plan: Plan for different scenarios, including potential failures. Develop contingency strategies to mitigate negative outcomes, allowing you to navigate challenges with resilience.

  5. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a mindset that embraces both success and failure as learning opportunities. Fearlessness doesn’t mean avoiding failure; it means being prepared to learn and adapt from setbacks.

6th Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Commonly.

Collaboration is the key to success in any team environment. When people think together, they can come up with better ideas and solutions than if they were working alone. This is because by hearing what other people have to say, it helps them come up with their own ideas and solutions. It also helps to have a common goal that everyone is striving towards, as this can help keep everyone focused and motivated.

The genius leader is the one who knows how to bring out the best in each team member by listening carefully and encouraging them to think together. By thinking in collaboration with others, team members can use their collective knowledge to solve problems faster and come up with better solutions than if they had worked independently.

5 concise steps to develop your  common thinking skills:

  1. Establish a Shared Vision: Define a common goal that aligns with the team’s mission. Having a clear destination provides a unifying purpose, motivating team members to work together towards a collective objective.

  2. Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. Encourage active listening and respectful discourse to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.

  3. Leverage Diverse Perspectives: Recognize the unique strengths and insights each team member brings. Embrace diversity of thought, experience, and background as catalysts for innovative solutions.

  4. Facilitate Brainstorming: Organize sessions where team members brainstorm together. Encourage the free flow of ideas, sparking creativity and allowing concepts to build upon one another.

  5. Empower Collaboration Tools: Utilize technology and platforms that facilitate collaboration, even in remote settings. Shared documents, virtual meetings, and communication tools enable real-time idea exchange and decision-making.

7th Genius Way to Think Like a Leader:

Think Deeply.

Being a genius leader requires you to think deeply about different issues and come up with creative solutions. It is important to take the time to think things through before taking any action, as this will help you understand the complexity of the issue and come up with an effective resolution. Listening to others before speaking is also key in order to gain insight into their perspective and use it when making decisions. Taking the time to concentrate on an issue will help you make sure that all aspects have been considered before taking action.

5 concise steps to develop your  abstract thinking skills:

  1. Define the Issue: Clearly articulate the problem or challenge at hand. A precise understanding of the issue serves as the foundation for your deep thinking process.

  2. Gather Information: Collect relevant data, perspectives, and insights related to the issue. This information will provide you with a comprehensive view of the complexities involved.

  3. Reflect and Analyze: Set aside dedicated time to ponder the issue deeply. Analyze the different facets, implications, and potential outcomes. Consider both immediate and long-term effects.

  4. Engage in Active Listening: Before formulating your own thoughts, actively listen to the perspectives of others. Gain insights into their viewpoints, as this can enrich your understanding and influence your decisions.

  5. Synthesize and Plan: Combine the insights you’ve gathered with your own analysis to form creative and innovative solutions. Develop a well-thought-out plan of action that addresses all relevant aspects of the issue.


Within the pages of this article, we embarked on a journey through the realms of leadership mindset—a journey that unveils seven remarkable strategies to nurture the very essence of effective leadership within you. As we delved into these strategies, we not only peeled back the layers of leadership thinking but also illuminated the path towards becoming a catalyst for transformation within your organization. These genius ways encompass the art of strategic contemplation, the essence of intentionality, and the courage to tread fearlessly.

The first among these ways is the cultivation of strategic thinking—a realm where decisions transcend the immediate and venture into the sphere of holistic impact. We explored the power of envisioning, the art of weaving threads of cause and effect, and the capacity to understand how each choice resonates with the grand tapestry of your organization’s journey. This way of thinking propels you beyond the realm of short-term fixes, and into the realm of orchestrating change that echoes through time.

Intentionality emerges as a beacon in the landscape of leadership. It’s about seizing the reins of your actions, steering them towards defined objectives rather than allowing them to be dictated by happenstance. We unraveled the magic of purposeful decisions, the symphony of deliberate actions, and the strategic alignment that distinguishes leaders from mere spectators. Intentionality is the compass that guides your trajectory, ensuring that each step is measured, meaningful, and aligned with your vision.

Fearlessness, the third genius way, stands as the embodiment of audacity in the face of uncertainty. We explored how leaders transcend the shackles of fear, transforming it into fuel for decisive action. Fearlessness is not recklessness; it’s the courage to navigate uncharted waters, to embrace challenges as stepping stones, and to march forward with a heart ablaze with determination. This courage doesn’t eliminate fear; it defies its grip, replacing it with resilience and fortitude.

Understanding your organization’s goals and objectives surfaces as the cornerstone of informed leadership. By unraveling the layers that define your organization’s trajectory, you become equipped with the knowledge that fuels sound decisions. This understanding is not just a cursory glance; it’s an immersive exploration that bridges the gap between vision and action, ensuring that your choices resonate with the higher purpose that drives your organization forward.

The final facet of our journey involved the art of depth in thinking. We unearthed the power of peering beneath the surface, of gleaning insights from the intricacies that might otherwise remain hidden. This way of thinking enables you to see beyond the immediate landscape, uncovering the subtleties that can influence the future trajectory of your organization. It’s an invitation to introspection, a reminder that depth leads to understanding and understanding leads to wiser choices.

These seven genius ways to think like a leader form the mosaic of transformation—a mosaic that captures the essence of foresight, the allure of intentional action, and the resonance of understanding. By integrating these ways into your leadership approach, you pave the way for remarkable impact and extraordinary influence within your organization. Your journey doesn’t end here; it evolves into an odyssey—a journey towards leadership that transcends the ordinary, an odyssey that marks not just your ascent, but the elevation of your team, your organization, and your legacy.

Good Luck and Happy Leading!

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Matt Styles

Matt Styles is the founder and voice of The Stylish Leader enterprise. Empowering the next generation of leaders, Matt is focused on challenging minds, inspiring hearts, and helping others achieve their highest potential for success.